Where does the time get to? It’s now UNDER(!) 24 hours before we turn our pedals in anger – setting out from Greenwich Park to Calais.
London to Paris training has ground to a halt like a derailed Eurostar train. One Gurning Grimpeur is carrying an ominous injury (which started as some red hot tendonitis in
the heel/ankle). Both ‘athletes’ (ahem) are relieved this has started to clear up and the patient's tortured, pain-induced, gurning has abated.
There'a also been the threat of contracting RSI from the frantic bout of emailing, Facebook-posting, tweeting and blogging that’s been going on, to drum up further sponsorship on our Justgiving page . The show, however, must go on.
There'a also been the threat of contracting RSI from the frantic bout of emailing, Facebook-posting, tweeting and blogging that’s been going on, to drum up further sponsorship on our Justgiving page . The show, however, must go on.

hope the pre-booked taxi (‘big enough for two adult bikes’, they’ve assured us)
will turn up at the crack of dawn as arranged. If there’s any mix-up we could
miss the whole event – Greenwich is nowhere near our front door.
we twiddle our thumbs; worry about being dropped en route to the French capital;
fret over the prospect of strong winds on the other side of the Channel; chew
our nails over the prospect of getting caught in a crash and, of course,
nervously, watch the clock.
seems like eons ago that we discussed the idea of doing the ride with our
brother-in-law Mike. He was in hospital in central London at the time, preparing
for a bone marrow transplant which it was hoped, would lead him out of the
shadow of leukaemia. Sadly Mike’s treatment did not achieve its goal and he
passed away in February this year.
are delighted however, at the number of people who have so generously donated
to our Justgiving site which is raising money off the back of London to Paris (
with the Surrey 100, a junior triathlon and scootathlon, still to come) for
Leukaemia and Lymphoma research. It is an important charity which relies on
generating about £20 million every year to continue its work, developing
treatments and researching into possible cures for blood cancer.
YOU CAN SUPPORT LEUKAEMIA AND LYMPHOMA RESEARCH HERE: https://www.justgiving.com/Iain-Marshall2/